How use Bulk Transactions
Bulk Transactions is a special feature designed by Secret Stash. It optimizes transaction submissions by batching several actions into one transaction. Actions are suggested dynamicaly based on the selection. Click on the 'Select' button to enter in the selection mode.

- Bulk Listing
- Bulk Unlisting
- Bulk Buying
Bulk Listing
In this example we are going to list several NFT in a row (it requires you own some).
Navigate to the NFT section of your Profile page. Here I have Pokemon NFT that I want to list on Secret Stash.
Click on the 'Select' button, select some NFT and then open the multiple actions modal by clicking on the 'Actions' button. Available actions on owned NFT are: Transfer, Listing, Delegation, Royalties Setting & Burning. In this example I want to list 2 Pokemons at 13,500 CAPS each. A signing modal will resume my actions on the selected NFT and the batched transaction will be submitted once after clicking on the 'Sign Transaction(s)' button.

When the transaction is completed, a success modal will confirm the proceed action. Navigate to the Explore NFT to check that your NFT were listed succesfully.

Bulk Unlisting
The Bulk Transactions feature adapts to the context of the selection. If you active the selection mode from the 'Explore NFT' page and select the previously listed NFT, only one action will be available from the multiple actions modal: Unlist.

Bulk Buying
Select not owned listed NFT from the Explore NFT page will suggest only the buying action in the multiple actions modal. Sign the transaction to become the new owner.

These tricks are just ideas to introduce you to the Bulk Transactions feature, you can manage your NFT in many more ways on Secret Stash. Let you guide by the dynamic allowed actions based on your selection and optimize your time and fees.